Migraine Awareness Week

This is the first time I have ever posted one of my Dates of Note after the week in question has actually started. The reason for that is simple: I have had migraine on and off for the past fortnight and didn’t remember to check my sources in time. Ironic, huh? This week (1st to the 7th) is Migraine Education – Migraine Awareness Week. I like to think I’m reasonably organised, or at least that I give you the impression I am, and this really does prove the point about how debilitating migraine can be – on a sample of one, admittedly.

Unfortunately, I know how she feels

Unfortunately, I know how she feels

I’m not going to make this a long piece, as I’m sure many of you have experience of migraine, either yourself or in someone close to you. I was first diagnosed when I was 15 – to save you the maths, that was around 45 years ago. Since then I’ve had several migraines a year apart from one blissful period in my 20s when I went three years without one, and foolishly hoped I was somehow ‘cured.’ Not so. And the older I get, the more migraines I have and the longer they seem to last! Five or six a year isn’t uncommon, and they now linger for up to three days instead of just the one when they first started.

I hope you follow the link above, which takes you to the Migraine Trust’s website. The Trust organises this week as a means of educating people about migraine, and their website has a lot of helpful information and links. In particular, it might help those who say they have a migraine when it is actually a bad headache: believe me, there is a difference and you’ll know it if you suffer migraine!

And I always give you a link to the NHS website which is also a very good source of information.

Please support the week if you can, or at least take a little time to understand more about migraine and its effects on people.

In the flat above

A neighbour

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and explain to the people in the flat above why I don’t appreciate them ignoring their dog when it is barking incessantly.

4 thoughts on “Migraine Awareness Week

  1. Pingback: Migraine Awareness Week | Vertigo, Migraine (MA...

  2. Reblogged this on Clive's Blog and commented:

    As a long term migraine sufferer I feel it worthwhile drawing your attention again to Migraine Awareness Week. This year’s event runs next week, from 7th to 13th September. Rather than write another piece about it I’m cheating by recycling what I wrote this time last year. It is still perfectly valid and the link to the Migraine Trust’s website takes you to details of this year’s programme. I hope you can find the time to take a look at both my words and theirs, especially if you suffer yourself or are close to someone who does.

    A quick update if you do reread my 2013 post: retirement and the lack of work pressure has reduced my frequency of attacks, so I recommend retirement to you. And the bloody dog upstairs is still barking!


  3. Thank You again my good friend for another awareness post about the many misunderstood and misdiagnosed health ailments that prevail among us… 🌟
    And I would add my sincere best health wishes to you this day with your own realization of just what a migraine headache is in life… Thank you as always for the educational links this day too… ✨


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