A Man Blogs, Aged 64 and a Half

As is so often the case, I’ve been prompted to share a previous post by Timehop. This was written a year ago today, and was my response to what I perceived as a growing trend of ageism and sexism in blogging. Reading it again today I recognise that I have made several sweeping generalisations in the post, but I stand by what I said. It’s worth looking through the comments on the post too: they aren’t exactly universally in agreement with me but some very good points are made there. (And for the record, I’m now 65 and a half – just to be sure 😉).

I’m painfully aware that it is more than five weeks since I last posted, and that I left you with a rather plaintive cry about my state of health. For all of those who commented and offered support, I am truly grateful. It is too soon for me to relate the story here, but please be assured that I am receiving excellent healthcare and hope to be back here more often in the not too distant future. I have some major real life things to sort out, too, so don’t expect anything regular from me: I’ll be here when I can!

As ever, thank you for reading. I’ve rather neglected other blogs as well as my own, and need to ease my way back in gently. I’ll try my best to be more active, I promise, but be gentle with me!

Take It Easy

If you look closely towards the bottom of the sidebar on my blog you’ll see a badge for something called ‘Post 40 Bloggers.’ Click on this and it will take you to their site, where you will find a range of posts by people over the age of 40.

A taste of the excellent Post 40 Bloggers site.

They have kindly featured a couple of my posts before, which is why I wear their badge of honour, but in recent weeks they have promoted a number of posts that have got me thinking about whether I should be doing this. I’ve been wondering if there is, in their writers’ eyes, some kind of upper age limit beyond which blogging becomes inappropriate, like an onscreen version of dad dancing. Oh, and it appears that being male is apparently a disadvantage too, as for some reason their featured writers have, by and…

View original post 1,271 more words

12 thoughts on “A Man Blogs, Aged 64 and a Half

    • Thanks Roberta, your concern is much appreciated. I’ll tell the full story at some point, when the time is right for it. Suffice to say I’m receiving good healthcare and support 😊


  1. Hi Clive,

    I’m fast approaching 70 and blogging happily with a growing number of readers. It is always something I’ve wanted to do – maybe it’ll grow into a book. I see no reason to stop writing and blogging because of age …

    Liked by 1 person

    • And hello back to a fellow Clive! I think we all do our own thing, and quite right too. This piece was prompted by what I saw as a growing swell of opinion that blogging wasn’t for oldies like us, especially if we had the temerity to be male. I don’t care about a person’s age or gender, it’s their words I want to see. A pity others seem to feel differently. Sod ‘em!

      Liked by 1 person

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