Don’t Try This At Home

It’s been a few weeks since I last wrote something for one of the prompts John provides for the Writer’s Workshop, so I really thought it was about time I had another go. His prompts for this week can be seen in his post here. I’ve chosen to go with the one which suggests that we write about sleep.

For those who are new here and unaware of it, I started my blog in autumn 2012 to share my experiences of depression, in the hope that this would help others, and by some miracle it seemed to do that. One of the other issues with which I had been struggling during that spell of depression was poor sleep: I often woke in the night, even if that wasn’t caused by the aging male’s need to pee. I wrote about it in one of my early posts, which I have since reworked a couple of times, but as it is a long piece I thought I’d just give you some extracts today. And of course, being me, this wouldn’t be complete without a song, would it? That early post was the sixteenth I had written, and was published in January 2013: this one is #989 – there have been a few more since those early days, haven’t there!

In early 2012, when I was in the midst of a long spell off work with depression, I was referred to a specialist clinic for help with my sleep issues. I was tested for sleep apnoea, which was just a name to me, and when the consultant told me the results were negative I said I was almost disappointed – I’d been hoping they would find something wrong so that they could treat it. The look on his face was priceless, somewhere between ‘you have my sympathy’ and ‘you’re a complete imbecile’ and it was then he told me that sleep apnoea can be fatal, so it was just as well I didn’t have it! He also said there was no treatment for my issues so, basically, I was on my own. In my desperation I was ready to have a go at anything, and these were a few of the things I tried:

Sleeping on the settee – mine’s a two-seater, I was constantly moving around trying to get comfortable and keep everything on the settee. I didn’t sleep and I felt like I’d gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. Not recommended!

Sleeping on the floor – only for the hardy or the terminally stupid. Painful, didn’t work, and guys if you try it be careful to avoid squashing important bits. That doesn’t help you sleep – trust me, I know! Not recommended!

Infusions – I’ve never been much of a fan of the herbal/floral teas. As far as I’m concerned, to be called ‘tea’ it needs to contain ‘tea.’ Grass is for gardens, or for enlivening smoking. But someone recommended lemon and ginger and to my surprise I quite liked it. So I thought I’d try the special  infusions to aid sleep. Verdict? Well, I’ve never drunk liquid compost, but I think I now have an idea of what it would taste like. And it didn’t seem to help me sleep any better either – probably because of the retching. Not recommended!

Herbal sleep tablets – following the ‘it’s good for you’ logic I thought I’d try these. Well, if they’re good enough for Cadfael, why not? They were quite large, it was impossible to swallow them without tongue contact and they tasted like…you guessed it, liquid compost in tablet form. No noticeable difference in sleep either, probably because of the bad taste lingering above toothpaste. Not recommended!

Hot chocolate – tastes much nicer than the shit-in-a-bag stuff. But no noticeable improvement in sleep. Recommended for enjoyment, but not for sleeping.

Keep the TV on with low or no sound – what was I thinking! I just ended up watching movies! Not recommended, well, for sleep anyway. I saw some good films though.

Sleeping with the lights on – also in the ‘what was I thinking’ category. No. Utterly pointless. Not recommended.

Keep the TV and the lights on – see the previous two. Not recommended.

Listen to music – also falls into the ‘enjoyable but didn’t help’ class. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried it with AC/DC? Fun, but not recommended.

Reading to make my brain tired – see watching TV, only in Kindle form. Not recommended.

Going on the computer to make my brain tired – see watching TV, reading etc. Not recommended.

Making the flat very warm, to induce drowsiness – more likely to help with weight loss from the sauna effect. No use whatsoever. Also detrimental to the gas and electricity bills. Not recommended.

Basically, after trying all of these and getting nowhere, I came to the conclusion that my motto should be….

‘I want to go to sleep, but my brain keeps  talking to itself.’

Of course I also took the obvious steps of losing weight and taking more exercise, which were both helpful, and even though I’ve slipped a bit on both of those fronts I still sleep ok nowadays. So this little saga does have a kind of happy ending. If you suffer from sleep problems I sympathise, and I’d be interested to hear of anything you have tried that differs from the collection of failures I worked through – just in case I might ever need it.

If you’d like to see the original post from which I have extracted some of this, you’ll find it here. Who knows, it might help cure your insomnia – it’s a long one!

And as promised, I leave you with a song:

Now there’s something I didn’t try: singing. Though with my voice I’d probably wake up the neighbours. Not recommended. 🤣

See you on Sunday, if we’re all awake in time…

47 thoughts on “Don’t Try This At Home

  1. As someone who has struggled with sleeping his entire life, I read this with interest, hoping you might have found the magic cure. I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t need as much sleep as most people. My go-to move is one of your fails. I stay up very late (usually 1:00 a.m.) and read until my eyes get heavy. It usually works well. I also find that I sleep better on days I exercise as long as I do that physical activity earlier in the day. I’m usually up by 7:00. My wife can sleep anywhere and typically falls asleep within the first five minutes. She goes to bed by 9:00, so we often laugh about her already having four hours of sleep before I’m ready.

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    • You seriously didn’t expect miracles from me, Pete? You should know better by now! I’m pleased you have something that works for you, even if it puts you in a different time zone from your wife?

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      • I’m so envious of those who fall asleep without the nightly struggle. When I was working, I also used to wake up in the middle of the night for hours and think about how students who already had two strikes against them in life. Thankfully, once I’m asleep now, I rest pretty well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Me too! I used to wake in the night like that, especially if it was a day with an important meeting ahead. Removing work from our lives does make a big difference, doesn’t it!

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  2. I’ve been there and empathize! In fact, for several months after my last hospitalization I found I simply could not get to sleep if I planned it, such as going to bed, turning the lights out, etc., but could easily fall asleep while reading, writing, sitting at a red light, etc. These days, I’ve found one glass of wine about an hour before bedtime, then 10-30 minutes of reading, and I’m out like a light. Of course, two hours is my max due to that old age problem you mention, but I can usually get right back to sleep. Unless the cat is sleeping with me, then all bets are off!

    Liked by 1 person

    • From the responses to this it seems that a lot of us have difficulty sleeping. If you’ve found a way to do it, that’s great! I don’t have a cat to disturb me though 😊

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      • True … I think most people who are aware of the world struggle to get to sleep sometimes. And, for us older models, we’re not as physically active as we once were, which doesn’t help. Oh, if you haven’t slept with a cat, you just don’t know what you’re missing! Ollie is pretty good … he’ll sleep at the foot of the bed until he decides he wants pats, then he comes and taps me on the nose to wake me up. 🤣 And if I don’t wake quick enough, then the ‘taps’ turn into small scratches. He has me well-trained! 🤣

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      • You’ve just reminded me why I’ve never wanted to have a cat! The only time I’ve been close to one is with my Dad and Stepmum. I was staying with them a few years ago and, as usual, was sleeping in an armchair. I woke to find a cat fast asleep across my chest!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, that’s a cat for you!!! It’s also a good sign, though, one that means he trusted you. Our Ollie is so perceptive … he senses when I’m not feeling well or am feeling down, and he’s always on my lap for snuggles. A mixed blessing, but … I do love him … love ’em all.

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      • I can’t think of a time that we didn’t have at least two pets, whether cats or dogs, sometimes both, but they are sometimes a lot of work & worry, so I understand why some like yourself would rather not. David has a budgie, which I think requires a bit less effort than the four-legged critters.

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      • I had a budgie when I was little – a 5th birthday present. The lady in the house opposite bred them. It only lived a few years and was given a burial down the toilet! We had a dog too, from about the same age. I was distraught when she died and have never wanted a pet since.

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      • Whoa … the budgie was tiny enough to flush down the toilet? Awwww … so sorry about your dog. My first memory of a pet was our dog, Martini, when I was about 3 years old, and I’ve had pets ever since. Lost more than I can count, but I still cannot imagine life without them.

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      • I recall it being wrapped in toilet paper, like a mini mummy, to help it on its way once it got wet 🤣

        That once did it for me. Ten years with a lovely dog I adored, who could never be replaced.

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  3. There’s a tie between work stress, depression and sleep loss, no doubt about that. My recommendation is put the tv on low/almost beyond hearing, sip a wee dram of Drambuie or Stroma if you enjoy an occasional tipple. Or a nicely richly stultifying wine perhaps? Then put on some golf. That leaves me comatose within three holes. Brain numbing stuff. Or, for our American friends, try a full day of test cricket. You’ll find it boring and bemusing at the same time. If you’re not snoring in half an hour you really are in sleep deprivation trouble.


  4. No one who never had sleeping disorders can understand how terrible this is over time. The problem I had was that when I went to sleep I was already so nervous not being able to sleep that this alone already kept me awake,

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  5. Now that’s quite a litany, Clive! I have to agree with you about getting some sort of positive test result … nothing horrendous, mind you. It would be nice to have the doctor say “this is what you have and this is how we can treat it”.

    I have a doctor friend whose favorite motto is “When you wake up, get up. When you get up, do something”. I love that; instead of tossing and turning, I will get up and clean the refrigerator, pay some bills, plug headphones into my digital piano and play something, dust furniture … you get the picture. It changes my mood, tires me out and I can fall asleep. Reading an actual book puts me right out, too. Anything involving a screen is a killer so ditch the Kindle at night. Glad to hear you’re back on track.

    Big surprise … I didn’t know the group or the vid but I enjoyed it. 😊 😴

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    • I tried a lot! The lack of diagnosis was a little disconcerting but it could have been much worse!

      I try to keep as active as I can, and not to play with the screens too late.

      Semisonic were an American band who had moderate success over there with albums, but only radio hits with singles. They did better here – their album Feeling Strangely Fine, which this one comes from, is very good.

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      • Ha! I didn’t even realize that was an American group!
        I know it’s picky but I find not being able to fall asleep much more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night. When that happens, I make the fatal mistake of reaching for my Mac and I’ll find myself writing or blogging at 3AM! Not ideal for quality sleep. 😵‍💫

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      • You learn something every day, don’t you 🤣

        I agree. Nowadays if I wake in the middle of the night I have a quick sip of water and usually go straight back to sleep. Not being able to get off is a real pain. But I’ve never blogged at 3am!

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  6. I’ve gone through my share of sleepless nights. My peeve is falling asleep only to wake up and see that only an hour has gone by… well, now what? I’ll often go to the couch and turn on the TV at low volume. Sometimes it works, sometimes I wind up ordering something stupid. 🤣
    Some people swear by CBD oil, but I haven’t tried that yet.

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    • That’s a real bummer, isn’t it. Sounds like you were the inspiration for the cartoon! I’ve heard that about CBD oil too but haven’t tried it. TBH I’m not even sure if it’s legal here!

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      • I checked earlier. It is legal here under controlled conditions. Available as drops, spray, gummies, tablets, capsules – I’m spoiled for choice. Might give it a try if I start having problems again.

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  7. Glad you’re sleeping better these days. I have periods of broken sleep and nothing really helps so I can relate to your post. Going to bed physically tired and in a good mood usually works though. I particularly like your choice of music at the end!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Paul. Sorry to hear you have trouble too. I can see how those help – for me things started getting better after I retired and managed to eradicate stress in my life. Glad you enjoyed the song – I liked the band a lot back in the day.

      Liked by 1 person

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